- ‘Impact of Active Management and Self-Assessment on the Quality of Education in Europe’
The Educational Department prepared and coordinated the project in Prienai District Municipality. The project was implemented in 2009-2011, together with foreign (Eskisehir town Directorate of Turkish National Education Ministry, Kilicoglu secondary school and Turkish Quality Association) and local partners (Islauzas basic school and Prienai Educational Center).
The aim of the project – to create the evaluation model of schools’ activities’ quality that might be applied in European countries.
The project was funded by the European Union, the grant of 23.682,59 Litas (6858,95 Euro) was given for the project implementation.
- ‘A City as a Learning Place – Where Learning is an Adventure’
The Educational Department of Administration of Prienai District Municipality developed and coordinated Lifelong Learning programme Comenius Regio project ‘A City as a Learning Place – Where Learning is an Adventure’, which was implemented in 2011-2013.
The aim of the project – to build a bridge between school and real life by expanding the learning space beyond the school gate and discovering new learning places in your city.
The project was implemented together with foreign (Bucharest Teacher Training Center, Bucharest Municipal School Inspectorate, Municipal Museum, ‘M. Botez’, ‘Titan’ Primary Schools, ‘Eugen Lovinescu’ Secondary School, NGO Clubul Kiwanis Bucureşti) and local partners (Silavotas basic school, Veiveriai Tomas Zilinskas Gymnasium, Prienai Educational Center, Prienai Regional Museum).
The total budget of the project was 85,780 euros, the amount of funds available at Prienai District Municipality was 40780 euros, of which 35,585 euros were allocated by the European Union.
- ‘Creating a Professional Environment in Prienai District Schools’
The Educational Department of Administration of Prienai District Municipality developed and won Erasmus+ Program Key Action 1 (KA1) Mobility Project of general education staff ‘Creating a Professional Environment in Prienai District Schools’, which was implemented in 2016–2017.
The aim of the project –is to create a professional environment in schools of Prienai district by strengthening internationality and providing better opportunities for personal development and qualification development in line with organizational goals.
During the implementation of the project, the principals and teachers of all 37 general education schools and kindergarten ‘Pasaka’of Prienai district had the opportunity to go on training courses on different topics organized by four countries (Spain, Cyprus, Czech Republic and Italy): personal progress of pupils, teaching provisions and methods, a dialogue between a teacher and a student, promotion of teamwork and leadership.
The project was funded by the European Union with a grant of EUR 67,984.00.
- ‘Good Teaching Evokes Motivate Learning’
The Educational Department of Administration of Prienai District Municipality developed and won Erasmus+ Program Key Action 2 (KA2) strategical partnership project ‘Good Teaching Evokes Motivate Learning’, which was implemented in 2015–2017.
The aim of the project – to improve the quality of teaching/learning by implementing changes in lessons and involving students in active learning.
The project was implemented together with foreign partners (Italian Municipality of Sassari, Instituto San Donato School and National Association of Italian Teachers) and local partners (‘Ziburys’ gymnasium, ‘Azuolas’ progymnasium, ‘Revuona’ basic school, Educational Center and Pedagogical Psychological Service). A team of learning professionals focused on shared learning and took real actions and initiatives to improve the quality of the lesson to meet the expectations of students and their parents.
The project was funded by the European Union with a grant of EUR 95,686.00.
An intellectual product was developed during the project – Implementation of Learning Paradigm Model in a Lesson.
- ‘Applying Innovative Education Practices to Improve Student Learning Achievement’
The Educational Department of Administration of Prienai District Municipality developed and won Erasmus+ Program Key Action 1 (KA1) Mobility Project of general education staff ‘Applying Innovative Education Practices to Improve Student Learning Achievement’, which will be implemented in 2018–2020 together with all educational institutions of the district.
The aim of the project – developing partnerships between consortium members and enhancing internationality to discover and apply innovative educational practices that improve students’ English achievements.
The project is funded by the European Union with a grant of EUR 81,448.00.
- ‘Modern Methods of Learning/Teaching and Assessment – a Way to Individual Progress’
The Educational department of the Administration of Prienai District Municipality developed and won Erasmus+ Program Key Action 2 (KA2) Mobility Project of general education staff ‘Modern Methods of Learning/Teaching and Assessment – a Way to Individual Progress’, which will be implemented in 2018–2020 together with local (‘Azuolas’ progymnasium, ‘Revuona’ basic school, ‘Ziburys’ gymnasium) and foreign (IES “ILDEFONSO SERRANO” school, Spain, De Alijó Municipality, Portugal, Agrupamento de Escolas D. Sancho II, Alijó, Portugal) partners.
The aim of the project – to introduce modern methods for students’ teaching/learning and individual progress assessment through reflective teachers’ practice while maintaining their continuity in different age concenters.